Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Second semester summery

This semester is ending soon, and I feel like it went extemely fast.  We learned a lot of things this semester.  We learned probabilities, systems of equations, cramer's rule ....... Honestly, we did not learn a lot of new knowleges, instead we learned a lot of new ways of solving the same type of problems.  Those trick made math easier and more fun. After this semester, I become more comfident about trig problems and probabilities.  I was always bad at probabilities, and I used to never get them right.  But Miss V did a good job explaning and I start to understand it.  I also become better at sequences and series. I didnt perceive well when we first learned it, but when we did the review presentations, I finally understood.  It was a really good idea for us to do presentations as a class to review instead of Miss V go over everything.   This way, we could get more practoce and go over more topics in one day.  If we have questions wecould go ask the person that taught the topic instead of 25 people clumping at Miss V 's desk for answers.  I really like the idea.   This year has been a great year and I hope to finish strong and get a good grade in this class.   The blog posting was intended to help us review weekly, but this semester I could'nt make sure to post on time and that is one thing I regret this year.  

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